

For ‘Sirenas Mediterranean Academy’, education and respect for the environment is one of our values, we collaborate with different ecological and social identities, performing charitable activities, educational courses and ecological actions, and a donation percentage of our profits.

In recent years, the Mediterranean Sea has suffered an increase in pollution, it is estimated that 80% of marine pollution is land-based. The main environmental problems are related to the dumping of all kind of solid waste into the sea. Between 60% and 80% of these wastes are made of plastic, most of which they are drifting in open water and accumulating in certain areas.


Another of the main problems affecting the sea is the exploitation of fishery resources; intensive fishing in certain areas of the planet is bringing the depletion of fishery areas. This is detrimental to small-scale fishing, a much more sustainable fishery and also integrated into the territory.

Global warming has a major impact on marine ecosystems and coastal areas. One of the clearest consequences is the melting of the poles, which directly affects the rising of the sea level. This sea level rise can even modify the marine streams, which could have serious environmental and social consequences.

We deserve a better world therefore we recommend the do’s and don’ts of good ecological practices to protect our seas and oceans:

  • Pick up the trash that you see near the sea and deposit it in a container or bin.
  • Do not throw any plastic into the seawater, rivers or lakes; a simple plastic bottle can take 100 to 1,000 years to be disintegrated. In addition, many marine animals mistake plastic with food and die of suffocation.
  • Do not throw towels or ear sticks to the toilet, as these end up in the rivers and stay in sea for many years.
  • Used oil must be taken to a dump. If you throw it down the drain it could pollute 10.000 litres of river or seawater.
  • The beach is a natural area where lots of creatures live, so respect their space, as it is their home.

Here you have a list where you can read how long certain materials take to degrade: plastic, paper, tins, tetra brick… Please be aware:

  • PAPER: 1 year if it’s only cellulose.
  • BUTTS: 1 to 2 years, the filter lasts more time.
  • GUM: 5 years.
  • SODA CANS: 10 years.
  • SPRAY: 30 years.
  • TETABRIK: 30 years because of the aluminium.
  • LIGHTER: 100 years.
  • PLASTIC BAG: 150 years.
  • PLASTIC BOTTLE: 100 to 1,000 years.
  • BATTERY: 1000 years.
  • BOTTLE OF GLASS: 4,000 years.